
I am Bauke Posthuma, a Freelance Front-end Developer & Product Owner.

Do you have a challenge for me?
Let's talk!


About me

Photo of Bauke Posthuma

Hi, I am Bauke. And I like to develop complex digital solutions.

I am a Freelance Product Owner and Software Developer, in which I use my technical knowledge to guide the customer and development teams in the development of smart solutions.

I have a background as a Frontend Developer and extensive experience with frameworks such as React, React Native, Angular, and Vue. However, React is my specialty here. In addition, I master techniques such as Node, TypeScript, JavaScript, and SCSS / SASS.

I am currently looking for a new challenge! Are you interested and like to get in touch with me? Give me a call 06 81 77 89 11 or send me an e-mail at hello@baukeposthuma.nl.


  • JavaScript, React, Vue, Angular, React Native

  • TypeScript, ES6, Node, GraphQL, ES6, Electron


  • Git, GitHub, GitBucket

  • Sketch, Zeplin, Redpen, CodeKit

  • Scrum, Agile

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